Mapping the future direction
Message from the District Administrator Peggy Larson

In 2011-2012, the Board of Education and the Winneconne Community School District Administrative team established its promise: Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow. We joined with a group of citizens who became known as the Collaborative Partners. They helped us map out a pathway for facilities and improvements. This also was the very start of Our Journey to the Future.
Chapter 1 of Our Journey to the Future resulted in our Winneconne Area Community Arts Center (WCAC), STEAM facilities, and new business education classroom.
We have named Chapter 2 of Our Journey to the Future The Road Ahead…Our District continues to grow, creating space and capacity challenges as well as the need to replace some of our aging building systems. On April 5th, 2022, WCSD will ask our residents to support a $47.8 million referendum. This referendum will address all three of our buildings. However, the majority of work will consist of a renovation and addition of our middle school. This building was built in 1975 with a very unique construction design. The building has been well maintained, but many of the systems are simply worn out.
Looking ahead ten or so years, we plan to begin our Chapter 3. Chapter 3 will likely consist of planning for a new elementary school building.
We’ve worked hard to provide schools where staff know the students by name and everyone works to meet individual student success. With focus and energy, we are moving forward. The Winneconne Community School District is recognized for top State test results and empowered graduates.
We recognize that in order to sustain this momentum, we need a continued commitment from the community through public funding and private/public partnerships.
Peggy Larson