For the 2024-2025 School Year there will be a change to student drop off an pickup!
Please adhere to our flow of traffic and parking maps for you and your students safety.

High School:
Follow blue arrows and abide by all stop signs. Please note: The road in front of the high school building is a one way street heading east, towards the football field. If you are dropping off your child(ren), please use this road and drop them off in front of the main entrance.
If you are a student or guest parking in the high school parking lot, please enter the lot via the two way road that travels on the north side of the lot (alongside the baseball field).
Through traffic must remain on Wolf Run Rd. which runs along the north side (baseball field side) of the parking lot.
Middle School:
Follow the blue arrows. Drop off students in front of the main entrance to the middle school. Do NOT drop your child off in the flow of traffic! Do not drop your child in the staff and contractor parking area! When picking up your child, you may park in the staff or contractor parking area and wait for your child(ren). If you need to come into the building, please park in the staff or contractor parking area.