How to Enroll

New to Winneconne Community School District?

How to Enroll Your Family

Welcome to the Winneconne Community School District!
We are excited that you have chosen to educate your child(ren) with us!

To enroll your family:
Enrollment for new students (4K-grade 12) is required and only by completing this process will a student's place at Winneconne Schools be assured. When new families move into the Winneconne Area School District, we ask that you record your child(ren) and babies with the district as soon as possible by completing the Census Information Form linked below. This form will allow us to reach families living in the district for pre-school screening and 4K information early.

Please complete the following district form (if you do not have access to a computer, please stop in the Middle School Office at 400 North 9th Avenue, Winneconne):
WCSD Census Request Form

If your child is a first-time student, WCSD will need the following extra forms:

-Certified copy of the child's birth certificate
-Notification of birth - hospital record
-Native American Tribal document can also be used as a single document proving identity.

NOTE: Legal document that contains verification of Student Full Name, Birthdate, Gender, Place of Birth and Parent/Guardian Information

PROOF OF IDENTITY: Current driver’s license or state I.D. card of the enrolling parent or legal guardian

If parent on birth certificate is not enrolling the student – legal guardianship papers are required or a Parental Consent of a Caregiver must be completed.

PROOF OF RESIDENCY: (One of the following showing address)
-Current Closing Statement on a new home in parent/guardian's name
-Deed of Trust or Mortgage Statement in parent/guardian's name
-Current apartment or house lease in parent/guardian's name
-Current homeowner or renters insurance statement in parent/guardian's name
-or Two of the following: Current Pay Stub, Health/Auto Insurance Statement, Medical Bill Utility Bill or Credit Card Statement in parent/guardian's name

Current evidence is within the last 3 months.
If the parent or guardian is not listed on the documents, however, he/she is married to the owner/leaseholder/renter, a copy of the marriage certificate will need to be provided.

Please bring the documents for birth verification, proof of identity, proof of residency, and completed forms to the WCSD Registrar located at:

Winneconne Community School District
Winneconne Middle School Office
400 N 9th Avenue
Winneconne, WI 54986

If your student attended a previous school district, WCSD will request the student records from the previous school district for your family.

Additionally, you will need to complete one of these health forms per child prior to the start of the school year, and turn them into the school office for the district nurse:

4K & 5K Health Letter
New Student Health Letter

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jenni Hostettler at (920) 582-5802 Ext.3133; [email protected].


Open Enrolling from Another School District?

Families who do not reside within the boundaries of the Winneconne Community School District (WCSD) can apply to have their child(ren) attend school in the WCSD.  Wisconsin's Open Enrollment Program allows parents to apply for their students to attend public school in a school district other than the one in which they reside.
 Wisconsin DPI Open Enrollment

The alternative open enrollment application for the 2024-25 school year is now available.  Complete the form linked below to apply for any remaining available spots. Submit any questions or your completed application to Jenni Hostettler at [email protected].


The open enrollment application period for the 2025-26 school year
is February 3, 2025 - April 30, 2025 at 4:00pm. 

 DPI Open Enrollment Information 2025-25

English - 2025-26 Open Enrollment Application Period Brochure
Spanish and Hmong translations are provided on the DPI Forms webpage.

If you are already active in the Open Enrollment program with WCSD, you do NOT need to reapply, under our open enrollment policy.  

Parents of students who have or are planning to move out of the Winneconne Community School District prior to the upcoming school year, but wish to continue at Winneconne should complete an open enrollment application.  Parents of students currently attending Winneconne on tuitions waivers will receive an additional notice reminding them of the open enrollment requirements to be able to continue in Winneconne.  

Questions?? Please contact Jenni Hostettler at 920-582-5802 ext. 3133 or [email protected].


Open Enrollment Space Limits
for Regular Education Nonresident Students
for the 2025-26 School Year

2025-26 open enrollment

Open Enrollment Space Limits
for Special Education Nonresident Students
for the 2025-26 School Year

2025-26 special ed space
2025-26 special ed space pg2
For more information or questions, please contact Jenni Hostettler at (920) 582-5802, ext. 3133 or [email protected] or visit the DPI Open Enrollment Homepage.

Do you need to send a records request from another district?
Please email to Jenni Hostettler at [email protected]