Cafeteria Operations

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – serving breakfast & lunch

  • Breakfast – Elementary serves breakfast at 7:45a.m. in the cafeteria. Please discuss this option with your child(ren) as to whether or not they are to participate in this program, so you don’t have unexpected charges on your account.

  • Lunch - During lunch, your child(ren) will scan his/her bar code at the end of the serving line. If your family qualifies for free or reduced lunch an extra milk or milk for cold lunch is not included in this program, there will be a charge to your account. If your child(ren) is taking cold lunch and would like to purchase milk only, he/she must delete the lunch charge that automatically comes up first, or you will be charged for a lunch and a milk. Teachers will be there to assist them if needed

  • School day Break Milk - We also offer milk during the classroom break each day. This milk is recorded each day in skyward by the teacher and is taken out of your family account. Please discuss this option with your child(ren) so you don’t have unexpected charges to your account. If a family qualifies for free or reduced lunch, this milk would be free.

MIDDLE SCHOOL – serving breakfast, lunch & ala carte items


  • Breakfast - The Middle School will open at 7:30 a.m. for breakfast and ala carte sales. Students must take 3 items and one of the items must be a fruit for it to qualify as a meal. Otherwise each item will be charged separately.

  • Lunch - The Middle School runs two separate lunch lines. One line serves a traditional lunch such as tacos, spaghetti, and pizza with fruit, vegetable salad bar, and milk. The second line is “Fast Tracks” (this is a variety of sandwiches, chef salads and subs that are individually wrapped for speedy service). This line also offers a fruit, vegetable salad bar, whole grain and baked chips and milk. Please inform your child(ren) that he/she must take 3 of the 5 items offered (not including ala carte items) with one of those items must be a fruit or vegetable for it to be considered a lunch. If they do not have 3 items, they will be charged separately for each item. 

HIGH SCHOOL – serving breakfast, lunch & ala carte items 



  • Breakfast - The High School cafeteria will open at 7:30 a.m. for breakfast and ala carte purchases

  • Lunch - During lunch students may purchase items separately or they may purchase a combo lunch which includes at least 3 of the following items:
    1 - Entrée (sandwich, pizza, chef salad, wrap, sub or fruit bowl)
    2 - Sides (fruit, vegetables, lettuce salad, juice cup, potato salad, french fries)
    1 - Milk
    1 - Bread item (breadstick, dinner roll or whole grain chips).
          Students must have 3 of the above items or they will be charged separately.

ALA CARTE – served during breaks and lunch at the Middle School and High School

Ala carte items are items not included in a lunch (extra entrees, snacks, ice cream, beverages) Ala Carte dollar spending limits can be put on each student by parents. To set limits on your child(ren) go to family access under the food service tab. No ala carte purchases can be made if your account has a negative balance. We do try our best to remind students of the limits that have been set for them. Please discuss with your child(ren) the limits you have put in place in an effort to avoid unwanted charges. 

A Skylert message goes out every day to all families with either a low balance under $10.00 or a negative balance. If you do not feel your account should be low or in the negative please do not ignore these calls, contact Diane Agrell 920-582-5810 ext 1104 to get the matter taken care of. The District policy on negative balances is as follows: Elementary School, Middle School and High School students with a negative $10.00 balance will be able to obtain a meal in the form of a peanut butter sandwich and a milk. Your account will be charged $1.50 for this. If after 5 days the balance remains negative, the matter will be referred to the principal and the guidance department. Please be aware that positive and negative balances from last year are carried over to the current year. If your account is negative at the start of the school year, you may not be able to participate in the food service program. PLEASE REMEMBER IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP TRACK OF YOUR BALANCE. This can be done online or by contacting the Food Service Department.


Payments can be made online through Family Access, or by sending your check to the following address:

Winneconne Community School District
ATT: Food Service Account
P.O. Box 5000
Winneconne, WI 54986-5000

Payments can also be dropped off in a locked box located at any of the schools. Please enclose your payment in an envelope marked with the name of the child(ren), the payor’s full name and the amount. Payments must be received before 9:30 a.m. at the Elementary Schools, 10:00 a.m. at the Middle School, and 10:30 a.m. at the High School to be posted to your account that day. For your own documentation and to ensure accurate processing, please consider sending payment by check or money order instead of cash. To ensure your child(ren) will be able to eat lunch, drop payments off as early as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (920) 582-5810 ext. 1104 or e-mail me at [email protected].


Diane Agrell
Food Service Director